Darjeeling Queen Of Hills

History discovered this Himalayan Kingdom in the early years of 19th Century, when it was a part of the domain of Sikkim and assailed equently by Gorkhas of Nepal. In 1780, Gorkhas marched into Sikkim, annexed the terai, advancing to the Teesta river and setting off unwittingly a conflict, a conflict they had not bargained for, They had trodden on the toes of the British East India Company where the War of 1814 was fought with Nepal, the tract ceded, and the Raja of Sikkim reinstated with his sovereignty guaranteed by the Company. Sikkim including Darjeeling became a buffer state between Nepal and Bhutan.

Ten years later the dispute broke out afresh. In 1828 General Lloyd was deputed to bring about a settlement. Later J.W. Grant commercial resident of Malda set out for mountain regions and reached Darjeeling in 1829 the first ever European to set foot on the land.

After careful study of the situation and the place Mr. Grant and the Deputy Surveyor General Captain Herbert were sent to survey the area later, where Mt Grant was asked to open negotiations with the Sikkim ruler for the cession of the terai as soon as convenient occasion arose. The deed was executed on February 1, 1835, where the entire hill of Darjeeling spreading from South of Rangeet River was presented to British East India Company. The king of Sikkim was granted an allowance of Rs.3,000/- and was raised to Rs.6,000/- on 1845.

Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling produces world famous Darjeeling teas, which has been fancied by the Connoisseur world over. As the tea plantation was started in 1847 by Dr Campbell planting the Chinese species. Labours were recruited from Nepal to work on the plantations nurseries of tea seeds which were established in Lebong. Darjeeling manufactures Orthodox variety of tea.

While in the process of manufacture, green leaves plucked from garden containing about 80% of moisture is laid in a dryer box which is known as -Withering. After withering, when the leaves have become soft, is subjected to the second stage of manufacture called Rolling. Here the Rolling Machines rolls and press the withered leaves without breaking or cutting them while only breaking the cells within enabling the juice from inside to be pressed out and aminate on the outside surface. Normally two rolls after every 40 minutes are given by varying pressures to press the juice out.

In between the rolls, the leaves are subjected to sifting in which the sifting machine separates the coarse from fine. The rolled leaves are now covered in juice and chemical constituents are subjected to the third stage of process called-Fermentation, where they are kept very thinly spread on clean and impervious trays or racks in a high humidity room. Here the leaves start developing aroma, flavour and other qualities by bio-chemical reactions. After fermentation, leaves are dried under fire to check further fermentation. Over fermentation and under fermentation is harmful to the development of proper character in tea. While in the process of drying leaves are spread on the trays in the chamber of drying machines where the dry heat with the extension of temperatures of 240F to 250 F are passed. The tea which is ready after these manufacturing processes contains only about 2% to 3% moisture contents.

Nowadays, many forms of teas are manufactured where some of them are known as Bio-Organic, Clonal, White tea, Green tea, etc., which needs more expertise. Last process is known as-Sorting where grading is done on the basis of Full Leaf and Broken Leaf. Full Leaf grade is known Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe, while the Broken Leaf Grade is known as Golden Broken Orange Pekoe.

Darjeeling Cultures

As Darjeeling originates back to those days when it was under Sikkim and later taken by British East India Company and developed as it is today. It is believed that first twenty mud houses in Observatory Hills consisted of people of both Nepalese and Sikkimese origin. At present days, that Darjeeling has the combination of Nepalese who are the dominating population, Bhutias, Lepchas and plainsmen from elsewhere in India and few Anglo Indians and Parsis as well. There are traces of white men of Canadian and European origins as well on a Catholic Mission to run the schools that had been established during British era. However, it exemplifies that all the people of different communities can co exist in peace and harmony while working towards progress and development.

However, it is remarkable to note that major of people of Nepalese origin are concentrated in Tea Gardens, while remaining live in town with other people of different communities while Nepali itself is the lingua franca of the place.


Only handful of them in Darjeeling and its region. These kindly ravine people original inhabitants of Sikkim are Mongoloid origin and have undergone through inter-caste marriage with Nepalese and have lost their literature, while however, more of them exist in Kalimpong and are trying to trace their ethnic composition while endeavouring themselves by searching for their literatures and other important facts. In Kalimpong there is the Lepcha tradition study centre and museum. Their complexion is white which a tinged with yellow and are broad-chested and sinewy people. Their traditional outfit and style represents somewhat that of Roman gladiators. Peace loving people now most of them are converting themselves to Christianity.


Bhutias of Sikkimese origin along with Khampas from Tibet are also found to be living in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong. They are minority in population and follow Buddhism and are of Mongoloid origin. They are more dashing than Lepchas and are warrior like. However, most of Bhutias are engaging themselves in business; Bhutias also form the community of people from Bhutan. They have their own literature.


Immigrants from Nepal and in majority, these people are divided into castes and Sub castes comprising both of Mongoloid and Aryan descents. The Mongoloid descents are quite short in stature where many are recruited as Gorkhas in Army, where their bravery has gone to legend. Nepalese both Aryan descendants and Mongoloid descendants follow Hinduism. They came in large numbers in Darjeeling and settled in Kalimpong and Kurseong as-well when British Planters brought them for tea plantation works. They carry the traditional weapon the Khukuri.

Place of Interest Darjeeling

Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre

It was founded under his Holiness Dalai Lama following the dramatic escape from Tibet following the Chinese intrusion. This centre is the exemplary steps taken by Tibetans in exile to help themselves through rehabilitation to overcome the hurdles relating to economic, social, psychological, cultural and spiritual. The centre is located at a hill side on Hermitage over looking Lebong Race Course Ground which the land was originally leased and later bought from St Joseph's College. Centre produces Tibetan carpets and other Handicraft items besides their self help activities.

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Caters to the training requirements in mountaineering, this Institute is situated in Birch Hill Park. Training course imparted are Adventure, Basic, Advanced. The institute itself was constructed in November 4th 1954, where the foundation stone was laid by Lt Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. This Institute as it is said was started under the influence of Tenzing Norgay after scaling Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary after the encouragement from Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The Institute Museum displays the equipment used in the victorious attempt to scale the peak.

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

Adjacent to Himalayan Mountaineering Institute this Zoo in house the high altitude wildlife like, Siberian Tiger, Himalayan Black Bear, Pandas, Dear, Leopards, Birds, Monkeys, etc. Lloyd Botanical Gardens: Just below the town is this Garden in housing plants from Sikkim Himalaya, other sub temperate and Himalayan zones. This garden also has in-house plants from Europe, China, Japan, America, Australia, and New Zealand etc. Started by Sir Ashley Eden on 1878 in the 40 acres land gifted by Mr. W Lloyd's the proprietor of the Bank by the name of Lloyd's Bank, in order to make one of the best gardens in Asia.

Yiga-Choling Bhuddhist Monastery

Nine kilometres ahead of Darjeeling town, this monastery at an altitude of 7,500 feet is situated at Ghoom. Built in 1875 by Lama Sherab Gyatso it follows the path of worship of Maitreya Buddha coming Buddha. Among the Buddhist text there is the Buddhist Tibetan Gospel running into 108 volumes, Monks perform the Tibetan folk dances during February March to welcome the Tibetan New year. This Monastery belongs to Yellow Sect.

Japanese Temple

This temple belonging to Hinayana sect of Buddhism with the name Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Temple was started in the year 1972. Peace Pagoda was opened on 1st November 1992, which was inaugurated by film actor Sunil Dutt. Located on the spur above town at the distance of about four kilometers commands the panoramic view of Darjeeling town and Khangchendzonga range. It is near Lal Kothi, the Present administrative centre of DGHC.

Tenzing Rock

About 5 kilometres from Darjeeling town towards Lebong Race Course ground alongside Lebong Cart Road is this 100 feet rock where initial mountaineering training by Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI) is conducted. Rappling down the rock gives the breathtaking and spine chilling experience.

Tiger Hill

While driving or hiking the steep road passing through forests of Ferns, Oaks, Pines, Magnolias etc, all dressed in green takes one to this famous Tiger Hill at an altitude of 8,482 feet which is about 14 kilometeres from Darjeeling town. From this spot one can see the breathtaking view of Mt. Khangchendzonga and all the other ranges. In the grandeur and beauty of towering snow capped mountains, one can occasionally spot. Mt Everest and other peaks as well while extending views to mountains in Tibet. This place is also famous for viewing the early morning sunrise, the actual beginning of the day where nature engulfs one to ecstasy.

Barbotey Rock Garden

Situated below Dali on the adjacent way to Sidrabong Power Station at the distance of about 12 kilometres from Darjeeling town is this Garden which is a very attractive picnic spot with natural water falls and flower garden developed by DGHC.

Shrubbery Park

Located at Jawahar Parbat behind Raj Bhawan is this beautiful garden which is ideal for picnics, while offering magnificent view of mountain peaks.